Everything you need to know about Arduino CLI

  • Arduino CLI allows you to manage projects and devices from the terminal.
  • It offers integration with editors like Vim and automated workflows.
  • Easy installation and configuration compatible with multiple platforms.

Arduino CLI

Arduino CLI is an essential tool for those who want to work with the Arduino ecosystem without resorting to the traditional graphical IDE. This command line interface offers developers the ability to program, compile and manage Arduino projects directly from the terminal, providing a flexibility y exceptional customization for various workflows.

In this article, we will thoroughly explore the features, advantages, and uses of Arduino CLI. From its installation until the expected benefits which contributes to processes such as continuous integration or its ability to work on multiple platforms, you will discover everything you need to master this powerful tool.

What is Arduino CLI?

Arduino Command Line Interface (CLI) is a tool that allows you to manage Arduino boards and projects directly from the command line. Instead of using a graphical environment like the Arduino IDE, this interface facilitates full control over sketches and configurations using simple commands y versatile.

One of its main merits is the ability to be integrated into automated workflows, such as continuous integration (CI) systems, as well as supporting platforms such as Raspberry Pi, servers, and other ARM- or Intel-based architectures. This makes it a flexible solution for both professionals and hobbyists looking to optimize their projects.

Arduino CLI Functions

Main advantages of Arduino CLI

The Arduino CLI allows perform virtually all functions that can be done with the traditional IDE, but with the added benefit of enabling its integration into scripts and automated processes. Among its most outstanding advantages are:

  • Ability to compile and upload programs directly from the terminal.
  • Management of libraries and boards using specific commands.
  • Support for multiple platforms including Windows, macOS and Linux.
  • Production of outputs in JSON format, facilitating integration with other programs.

In addition, it is a wonderful tool for those who prefer to work with advanced text editors like Vim, Emacs o Visual Studio Code, allowing them to turn these editors into powerful development environments.

Installing Arduino CLI

The Arduino CLI installation process is fairly straightforward and varies slightly depending on the operating system. On Arch Linux-based distributions, for example, it can be installed via the package manager with the following command:

# pacman -S arduino-cli

Once installed, it is recommended to initialize its configuration using the command:

$ arduino-cli config init

This will generate a configuration file in the user directory that can be edited as needed. project needs. Subsequently, it will be necessary to update the core and library indexes using:

$ arduino-cli core update-index

Device and board management

With Arduino CLI, checking the connectivity and compatibility of a board is quite easy. intuitiveWith the device connected via USB, simply run:

$ arduino-cli board list

Sometimes it may appear as “Unknown”, indicating that the device has not been fully identified. In such cases, you can manually search for the name of the board using:

$ arduino-cli board listall

Once located, it will be necessary to install the corresponding driversFor example, for an ESP32, you would use:

$ arduino-cli core install esp32:esp32 --additional-urls https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json

Project creation and management

Arduino CLI allows you to generate the basic structure of a project with a single command:

$ arduino-cli sketch new nombre_proyecto

This will create an initial file project_name.ino, ready to be edited. After adding the code needed, compilation is done by specifying the board model with the command:

$ arduino-cli compile --fqbn esp32:esp32:esp32cam

Finally, to load the program onto the board, simply use:

$ arduino-cli upload -p /dev/ttyACM0 --fqbn esp32:esp32:esp32cam

Integration with editors like Vim

Arduino CLI easily integrates with text editors like Vim, transforming it into a fully functional development environment. Through plugins, you can compile, load and manage projects directly from Vim. Some useful commands include:

  • :ArduinoAttach: Connect to a board via USB.
  • :ArduinoChooseBoard: Select the card model.
  • :ArduinoVerify: Compile the code.

With additional tools such as screen, it is possible to view the inputs and outputs from the serial port, further improving the development experience.

Arduino CLI is, without a doubt, a powerful and versatile tool that expands the possibilities of working with Arduino. Its ability to be integrated into custom workflows, along with its compatibility with multiple platforms and editors, making it a must-have choice for both advanced developers and curious beginners.

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