The transistor 2N7000 2N7000 is one of the most widely used components in the electronics industry for switching and amplification applications. This N-channel MOSFET stands out for its strength and efficiency in a wide variety of electronic circuits. If you are an electronics enthusiast or work with circuits, knowing more about the specifications of this transistor can help you take full advantage of its potential. In the following sections, we will break down the most relevant features of the XNUMXNXNUMX, its applications, and technical details.
This transistor has been designed with the technology DMOS high cell density Fairchild, minimizing on-state resistance and ensuring fast and reliable performance. It is also an ideal choice for low-power and low-voltage applications, making it a very versatile component. Next, we will take a closer look at the specifications that make the 2N7000 such a widely used component.
Main features
The 2N7000 is a N-channel MOSFET which operates in an enhanced mode, being perfect for switching and amplification applications. Among its main benefits is that it supports up to 60V drain-to-source voltage (Vds), with a continuous current of 200mA. In short pulses, it can handle up to 2A, making it useful in applications that do not require high power, such as controlling small electronic devices.
Detailed Technical Specifications
Among its most important technical specifications are its Rds(on) resistance of just 1.2 ohms, ensuring fast and efficient switching, as well as a maximum power dissipation of 400mW. This transistor is encapsulated in TO-92, which allows for quick and easy installation in small and medium-scale electronic projects.
- Threshold voltage (Vgs): 2-3V
- Continuous Drain Current (Id): 200mA
- Ability to handle pulsed currents up to 2A
- Package: TO-92 with three pins
- Maximum operating temperature: 150°C
The operating temperature range reaches up to 150°C, which allows this component to be used in environments where temperatures can vary considerably without compromising its performance. In addition, it has a low ignition resistance, which ensures minimal energy losses and greater efficiency in switching circuits.
Common Applications
The MOSFET 2N7000 It is primarily used in a variety of circuits for low-power applications. It is very popular in small servo motor controls, power MOSFET gate control, and other switching applications. Its small size and reliability make it perfect for projects requiring small space and low energy consumption.
- Small signal motor controllers
- Weak signal boosters
- Fast switching systems
- Low power and low voltage electronic projects
Another prominent use of the 2N7000 is as electronic switch in applications such as switching power supplies, voltage regulators, and even in small audio or signal processing systems. Its reliability and fast switching capability make it an excellent choice for circuits that require immediate responses.