They create a giant 3D scanner thanks to Raspberry Pi

giant 3d scanner

The world of 3D printing is growing rapidly. However, current 3D printing is based on getting 3D models and printing them. In other words, you don't usually create original 3D models. For this, users use an object scanner. But What if we don't have an object scanner? What if we want to scan a larger object? what do we do?

A British maker has managed to find the solution. This maker called Poppy Mosbacher has created a 3D scanner for human people. This gadget has been created for his company, a fashion company that needed to create 3D models quickly.

Poppy Mosbacher has created a 3D scanner using Free Hardware and Free Software. This time he has not used boards from the Arduino project but has used boards from Raspberry Pi. Specific have used Raspberry Pi Zero with the Pi Cam.

This set of boards has been replicated 27 times, that is, the scanner uses 27 Raspberry Pi Zero boards and 27 PiCams that are distributed throughout the entire giant structure. This giant structure are created with cardboard tubes and cables that connect all the boards to a single device that works as a server. The software used to operate this giant 3D scanner is Autocade ReMake, a software that processes images to create a 3D model.

Fortunately this giant 3D scanner we can replicate and build ourselves since the creator has uploaded it to Instructables repository. In this repository we find a component guide, a build guide and all the necessary software for all Pi Zero boards to work. Pi Zero boards often have a reputation for being low-power and that may be the case, but they are certainly very useful, at least for the end user. Do not you think?

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      Koan said

    We have made a 3D scanner with 108 cameras.