Create your own ISS tracker using a Raspberry Pi


If little by little you are entering the world of Raspberry Pi and its huge community of developers, you will surely realize that, there are those who are content to invest in one of these multifaceted controllers to turn it into a multimedia center with a lot of capacity, everything has to admit it, while many others try «entertain us»And have fun creating completely new developments or directly trying to recreate many others like the one I propose today where you can create a kind of world map where you can know the exact location of the ISS (International Space Station).

As you can see in the video that is right at the end of this same post, in addition to the Raspberry Pi you will need an 8 x 8 matrix, on this occasion they have used a Unicorn HAT Neopixel to try to represent the exact point on a kind of map of certain paper measurements so that the LED diode can be reflected through it and know, graphically, the approximate position of the ISS. A curious fact is that the blue LED diode is used when it is on the represented side of the map while the light changes to a green tone when the ISS is on the non-visible side of the Earth represented.

If you are interested in recreating this experiment, tell you that its author, Carl monk, you have decided to offer your code through your blog, website where he explains in detail all the details of the project. Without further ado, I leave you with a video where you can see in a very graphic way how this development works.

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