Undoubtedly the idea of creating a robotic guitar is not something that came out of the imagination of the author of this system, I still remember how already in 1988, at the World Expo held in Brisbane, Australia, specifically in the Japanese pavilion, it was presented a robot capable of playing a guitar. Undoubtedly a milestone that marked many of us, although very young, since it was the first time that, at least personally, I could see a robot capable of doing this on video.
A few later and for academic reasons I decided to join a conservatory to learn to play the classical guitar precisely and I have to admit that it has always frustrated me quite a bit not being able, in my opinion, to play better than this robot. Maybe because of this I really liked the project that I want to present to you today and that you can see in several videos just below these lines where a developer, combining the possibilities of a Raspberry Pi and an Arduino has been able to create a more than interesting robotic guitar.
As you can see in the videos, in addition to the two cards, perfectly synchronized, a total of six RC servos have been installed, one for each string. Once all the hardware part was assembled, the software challenge resulted in a small program of only 460 lines in Phytom, a bit of bash for the Raspberry Pi as well as a couple of sketches for Arduino. Without further ado, I leave you with some videos where you can see this in operation fantastic project.