More and more people are using minipcs as functional computers, computers that they use just like the desktop pc. This is due not only to the functions it provides but also to the size and price of these devices, however they are becoming more and more expensive.
The high price of this equipment is due more to the accessories than to the price of the board itself. The last popular and important accessory to have if we want to use Raspberry Pi 2 or another minipc it is a UPS, a team that maintains the current of our equipment without blackouts or interruptions.
In this field, Fit-Uptime has excelled, a UPS that connected to any plate that consumes 5V will allow it to have an autonomy of more than 3 hours. Along with this autonomy, Fit-Uptime has a small size, smaller than many plates that work as Minipc and an affordable price. Affordable if we take into account the average cost of a UPS, which also does not offer an autonomy of 3 hours to the computer.
Fit-Uptime will be marketed to from November at the price of 68 dollarsAs we have said, a fairly affordable price for a UPS but that, together with a board like Raspberry Pi 2 with all its accessories, raises the price considerably.
Of course if we want to use boards like Rasbperry Pi 2 as a computer, Fit-Uptime is a must-have accessory, but it can also be used for other things, such as to give some autonomy to our projects such as Arduino or even to give autonomy to a future drone, something that is increasingly possible thanks to Free Hardware. The alternatives without almost infinite, as many as there are projects and it seems that Fit-Uptime meets all of them.
I personally like this accessory and as some of you know, it is an important part. However, I hope that in a short time there will be some more competitor for Fit-Uptime, not because of having something against this UPS but because competition favors development and users Do not you think?