Goblin 2, a board for IoT projects

Goblin 2, the board for the IoT world

The IoT world is growing and that is partly due to the number of free boards and projects that are being created for these purposes. Thus, in a few months we have gone from using boards like Arduino to turn on lights to boards like Artik 10 to control washing machines or refrigerators. The IoT world is growing and that is why there is a lot of hardware libre that was born for this purpose.

The Verse Technology company also wants to participate in this world and that is why it has recently launched the Goblin 2 board. Goblin 2 is a board that uses Free Hardware to offer a suitable platform to the IoT world.

Goblin 2 is an Arduino board with steroids, words used by Verse Technology and that summarizes very well what Goblin 2 is. This board is intended for projects where you cannot stand next to the board in situ to extract the data you have collected.

Goblin 2 is an Arduino board on steroids

For this situation, boards that transmit data or have a bluetooth module are usually used. In the case of Goblin 2, this is not necessary as it counts with a GSM module that will send us the data electronically without being in situ next to the plate in question.

Goblin 2 uses the chip from Arduino boards, ATmega328P, with 2kB of SDRAM, 1K EEPROM and 32KB of Flash memory. This model has a microusb port and has several connectors similar to the BBC Micro: Bit GPIO.

The price of this board may be the most negative thing this board has. Goblin 2 is priced at $ 190, a very high price if we consider the price of boards like Arduino or Raspberry Pi. But in industrial areas, we have to say that Goblin 2 can be very affordable and a more than interesting solution, don't you think?

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