There are more and more Free Hardware boards and prototypes oriented to the world of IoT. This market is growing more and more and more and more users are looking in Free Hardware for an intelligent alternative for their home or for their problems. Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Arduino even Amazon have launched boards and products related to this market.
And this wide range of platforms has recently been joined by a new one, a low cost platform that will help more than one to have their smart home for little money. This platform is called the Hornbill.
Hornbill is a Free Hardware platform that has several boards and devices that will help us to have a smart home for little money. Among these devices is a board with wifi and mac address; a prototyping and function expansion board; a remote control; a set of intelligent lights and their control and a housing to store our projects with Hornbill of water and blows.
All this for little money, but also for low specifications. The Hornbill board costs little but it is not a Rasperry Pi Zero W, far from it. The ram memory of the device is looked at in KB and the only output that this device has In addition to the wifi module, there is a usb port through which it connects to other devices. The prototyping board also has a slot for microsd cards that will expand the internal storage capacity and also the possibilities of the Hornbill board.
But the most interesting are the accessories, accessories that being free we can use with other projects. These accessories allow us to control the house or any other project with a remote control, with a Hornbill app or simply by voice.
Hornbill platform products cannot be purchased in stores yet, but it won't take long as the money required for production has already been raised thanks to a crowdfunding campaign. But this will not be an obstacle to get these plates, it will only be a delay. In any case, for $ 6 a unit, these devices are worth trying Do not you think?
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