The weekend, although at the moment it is only Tuesday, is approaching and with it the time to decide which project we want to test and carry out. This week I propose to turn off the lights in any room in our house through voice commands, for that you will only need one Raspberry Pi, preferably model 2 and a relay switch that will allow you not to have to get up to press the switch.
The person in charge of this project is Arun narasimban and, to alleviate us with software development problems and others, tell you that he has decided to hang all the code in GitHub so it will only be to recreate the entire project and install the new software in our controller and enjoy its amazing results. Truly I have to confess that I really liked the way of working on this project and especially the surprise face that any guest can put on who sees the peculiar way of turning off the lights that we have.
Going into a little more detail, tell you that for the operation to be as indicated, we must install a microphone and a voice recognition engine on our Raspberry Pi 2, specifically the one baptized as, available for developers. Apparently, Narasimban did tests with other speech recognition engines such as Google's or the one known as CMU Sphinx but the results were not satisfactory in the first case, while the difficulty to configure the second one caused it to be discarded.
If you have all the pieces, from here it is time to install all necessary hardware and software and begin to carry out the first tests to verify, as the author of this peculiar system to turn off the lights in a room through voice commands says, that everything works correctly.