Iotify, a web service for developers from Hardware Libre


The launch of Spotify has been a before and after in the business world and has reached all parts, including the world of Free Hardware. So recently we have known a new service called iotify, a service that attempts to provide a development environment for Free Hardware projects in the cloud, so we can use it anywhere and compatible with any hardware libre.

The idea is to use Iotify as prototyping tool to later develop the code on the relevant platform, saving time since we can recreate simulations with different hardware. Iotify is a service that has a great future since it also allows us to connect your services to a home server so our designs can be put into production.

Iotify will allow us to connect our projects with our private server

But the most interesting thing about Iotify is that it can simulate may be made by each hardware libre without having it physically, that is, we can create projects and choose whether to use Arduino or Raspberry Pi or any other free alternative and then, after seeing which one is best suited, buy the exact board we need. Something interesting for many developers who walk with the right money.

And just like Spotify, Iotify has two rates, a free rate for just one active project, and a premium rate of $ 19 per month for up to three active projects. The Iotify platform also includes simulations and basic tutorials for those who do not control Free Hardware very well but still want to develop their own projects.

In any case, it seems that Iotify is a unique tool that could have a great future because in addition to saving time and money, the user can be creative with new projects and new solutions based on Free Hardware, what do you think of this new service?

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