MINI EMUIt is basically a retro console capable of emulating more than 40 different systems, among which we find a console as famous as the Nintendo 64, Game Boy, Super Nintendo, Mega Drive or the original Play Station. At the moment a project that seeks financing from its own kickstarter whose developers promise that the first units will begin to reach their new owners from next August.
Personally I think it is a more than interesting bet, especially for those who do not want to buy a Raspberry Pi and start installing programs and "fiddling" with their entire operating system. Not in vain the development team bets on different possibilities that go from 99 euros of the most basic version where we will be given a digital version of the operating system that we can emulate in any virtual machine up to 699 euros of the most complete version where all kinds of extras are included.
If you are interested in getting a console of this type and do not want «complicate your life»When buying your own Raspberry Pi, installing operating system, emulators, drivers ... you should go through this project kickstarter since, for a modest amount, it is not a bad idea to get a system fully configured to support 40 different old game console emulators and their games.