MirrorMirror, the first smart mirror with Raspberry Pi


Some time ago I knew about a project that wanted to create the first smart mirror, a mirror that would have intelligence like Snow White's mirror. This project was still green but it promised a lot. A few months later MirrorMirror is ready and it works effectively by displaying not only the mirror reflection but also the data from the Raspberry Pi.

MirrorMirror is not exactly a mirror but rather a computer with a monitor and everything covered by a mirror that shows us what we want in addition to the image that the mirror reflects. The good thing about MirrorMirror is that we can build it ourselves since We will only need a monitor, a mirror and a Raspberry Pi 2. With these elements that we can all obtain and following the indications of its creator, everyone can get a MirrorMirror for a very low price.

MirrorMirror reuses a monitor and mirror to make it smart

The operation of MirrorMirror is quite simple and how you can see in the images, the mirror works effectively and shows us notifications without having to mess up the mirror image. MirrorMirror works with Gnu / Linux so you can make any modification to the software without any problem. However, not everything is good in this Raspberry Pi project, sadly, MirrorMirror has a limited size which will be conditioned by the size of the monitor. A somewhat small size although if we use a television, the size may be larger.

The original MirrorMirror project has been created by Dylan j Pierce, which has tried to take the intelligent facet of devices beyond the smartphone. The truth is that it has succeeded although I still do not understand why we will need to have a smart mirror when we can use a tablet or even a smart refrigerator when we are in the kitchen. But it must be recognized that as an alternative or second use for Raspberry Pi 2 it is interesting and even educational for the little ones.

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      erjavizgz said

    Well, if it were an interactive mirror, it could be used, for example, to see how a specific garment would fit you, or to order garments while you are trying on something ...

    By the way, would there be any way to make a touch mirror with this project? XD.

    Greetings to everyone.

      Joaquin Garcia Cobo said

    Hello erjavizgz, what you comment is what many of us think, however this that you propose can only happen when we change the normal monitor for a touch screen and the mirror has a digitizer, even so the creator may soon offer us a surprise and a change in the direction you point.
    Thank you very much for reading us. All the best!!!