A few days ago a new Arduino Project board was unveiled. This board is called MKRZero and it seems to be an interesting alternative to Arduino ONE. Until now Arduino ONE has been considered as an ideal model to learn how to handle Arduino, but this MKRZero it's more interesting, at least in my opinion.
The big difference between one and the other (although there are many more) is in the incorporation of a slot for microsd cards which means that we do not need a computer so that the board has instructions or code to use, something very useful to simplify things and make sure that the most novice do not have problems with their projects.
MKRZero takes many parts of the Arduino Zero board, above all your processor and architecture which is ideal for newbies to learn to play with 32-bit applications.
This microsd card slot will work as internal storage but also will make the USB port free for other functions, among which will not be the power supply. MKRZero has a controller that will monitor and try to regulate the power voltage so we can use this new board as we sometimes use Raspberry Pi, without offering the same features.
MKRZero can now be used in the Arduino Web IDE
MKRZero's size is also a plus point, something that many home projects will appreciate, since it has small dimensions, similar to Arduino Micro, but without losing power in it. MKRZero is currently sold in the official Arduino points for approximately 21 euros. This is useful if we want to test it quickly but we must bear in mind that the software needs an update, unless we use the Web IDE, in which case it already recognizes this new board.
The truth is that MKRZero is an interesting board for the educational world but for home or industrial projects, it still does not outperform other boards like Arduino Zero, although it seems that the Arduino boards are getting more and more powerful.