From GCHQ, an espionage agency in the United Kingdom, we receive information by which, apparently, they are responsible for what they themselves have dubbed the largest network of Raspberry Pi together, an exercise in computer architecture that apparently helps them to teach your own engineers the ins and outs of parallel programming. Basically what we have before us is what could be called a mini-supercomputer created from many joined Raspberry Pi.
Going into a little more detail, the creation of this device has been achieved through no less than 66 interconnected devices which directly make it the largest network created to date using this type of controllers. In terms of technical characteristics we have nothing less than 64Raspberry Pi model B, 32 GB of RAM, 1 TB of Flash memory, 1153 LED controllers and the power of a 8 Gigabit ethernet network.
According to its authors: «The design carried out consists of creating a basic cluster consisting of one or more Pis blocks that can be independent or connected to each other to form a larger group. It is designed to be easy to build offering multi-tasking software that runs on all available processors using multiple technologies.«.
For more information about the project you can visit