A few months ago a home project came out on the Internet that consisted of transforming the Raspberry Pi into a tablet. The PiPad is what it was called this project and although it was somewhat crude, it opened a path with many possibilities. It attracted so much attention that the Raspberry Pi project managers decided to launch their own LCD panel for those who wanted to build their own tablet. Well, now another project has been launched, Raspitab, a tablet project that has been launched on the Kickstarter crowdfunding platform.
The creators of the RaspiTab intend to obtain financing to carry out the project, a tablet with Raspberry Pi and a 7 ″ lcd screen. The Raspitab will go on the market with a price of 159 pounds sterling and although somewhat expensive, the power and versatility when configuring the tablet is a lot.
The Raspitab could be the expensive sister of the PiPad
On the one hand we have the option of installing a custom operating system, on the other hand, the design is such that we can introduce any Arduino module or component to expand our tablet.
Raspitab is composed of a 7 ″ LCD screen, a Raspberry Pi board in its pc module version, a Raspberry Pi webcam, a Wifi usb key and a colored housing (because the homemade does not have to be at odds with the design).
If you want you can see more about the project in this link and even participate, although personally I find it somewhat expensive. I explain. Normally in exchange for the donation something is received, many have chosen to establish donations similar to the final price of the projects. So the 159 pounds that there is of donation and that in exchange you receive a Raspitab, it will be the final price, but what really worth all this 159 pounds? I really think not since a 7-inch LCD panel does not reach 100 pounds or as a joke and if we add the rest of the components, it seems that the thing does not add up.
Even so, the project is very interesting and if we ignore the price, very attractive. ¿ What do you think?